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The infrastructure of the project is rather simple but it is worth splitting it in two distinct diagrams:

  • Physical: It refers to the real infrastructure that is deployed. This includes local IP addresses for each machine, router configuration, DHCP configuration and any other configuration or device that refers to physical/real devices.
  • Logical: This mainly refers to the configuration that Cloudflare uses. The cluster is exposed via Cloudflare Tunnels and the Cloudflared client is running in each machine. In this context each node has another IP that is different from the one used by physical devices and is the one Cloudflare uses to correctly route requests.

Although the configuration for public endpoints is set up. Most of the endpoints exposed via Cloudflare are protected with Cloudflare Access.

Physical infrastructure diagram

Physical infrastructure diagram Physical infrastructure diagram

Logical infrastructure diagram

Logical infrastructure diagram Logical infrastructure diagram

IP reservations

Reserved IP spaces on my local network

DHCP192.168.0.10 -
K8s load balancer IPs192.168.0.190 -
Master nodes192.168.0.200 -
Nodes192.168.0.211 -

Nodes IPs

HostPhyisical addressLogical address
Control plane node 1192.168.0.200170.0.0.1
Worker node 1192.168.0.211170.0.0.2
Worker node 2192.168.0.212170.0.0.3